
Sirena headed to the southern reefs today for some warm summer diving. There was a bit of swell and wind coming from the northeast pushing the seas to 1-2ft. on our way down to the reefs. The day was a mix of clear blue skies and a little rain up north. But none of this would deter the group of divers from enjoying a nice day of diving in Palm Beach.

Our first stop was at Tear Drop reef. Upon diving in we could notice that the surface current was moving at a pretty good pace. Surprisingly, there was but a trickle of north current on the bottom. We cruised along the ledge encountering eels, squids, sea turtles, and much more. Visibility ranged in the 30ft+ range and the water was a soothing 81 degrees.


Upon our return to the surface the northeastern wind had picked up a bit and along with the fast north current the seas had pushed up into the 3-4ft. A little sportier than we are accustomed to having during the summer months. The captain pointed the bow south and that helped make the surface interval ride a pleasant one.

Ready for their second dive, the divers dropped in on Dive-a-Rama — near the southern end of Breakers reef. As always, the reef exploded with life and color. Everywhere we looked there were tropical fish of all sorts. A nurse shark, large green moray, and a large school (30+) of squid made their appearance. The divers enjoyed an hour on the dive before heading back up.


Conditions on the surface are not always perfect, but thanks to a great captain, an attentive crew, a pair of Christmas tree dive ladders that make it easy and safe to get back on the boat (with your fins on), diving aboard Sirena is always enjoyable no matter the conditions. Once underwater the less than perfect seas are but a memory as you enjoy some great diving in Palm Beach.