When I awoke this morning, I had a feeling we were in for a treat..when favorable conditions arise this time of year, we must take advantage.  The first dive was nice.  Warm water (74 degrees), a fuzzy 40-50ft of vis, south current, mixed with a surge from the swell we had here in Palm Beach. We dived Breakers, starting at the Cave heading south. We saw a gorgeous Green Turtle.  I mean, picture perfect, clean…simply gorgeous.  A few spotted morays sprinkled around the reef…So aside from the direction and perspective, it was a pretty standard dive for Breakers.  But…..

SURFACE INTERVAL = BEST PART OF THE DAY ??   Captain Kevin and crew quickly noticed a pod of Spotted Dolphins cruising by to check out Sirena.  We saw 2, then 4, then another 4…wait another 4….when all was said and done, there were more than two dozen Spotted Dolphins right underneath us!  The Captain re-positioned Sirena and allowed for divers to hop in the water with their snorkel gear.  It was flat out incredible.  Free diving with these beautiful, playful creatures is an amazing experience. We’ve been lucky enough to have dolphins play with us 4 days in the past week.  Check out this video for a little taste of the action! 
